The work that I do as a coach is a blessing in so many ways; mainly for my ego. When I just sit, listen to my clients share their struggles & successes, I am reminded that most of the world misses out on this. The stories that we have, our history, our personal triumphs aren't always known. That person next to you in class that has never responded to your smile or hello could be repairing from a lost relationship. Your friend who you think just blew you off, may just be waiting for someone to ask, "are you okay/how can I help?" When we take the time to slow down our day long enough to remember that each person counts, everyone has a story if we just ask the right question and have the desire to hear the truthful response.
I have put in a few miles in these shoes. They can tell the story of my struggles with body image, my triumph over it since the birth of my daughter, the 19+ years of love written with my husband, the highs and lows that I experience daily uncovering my life's work. They may look a bit worn, but the journey they have been on is priceless.
Weekly Playlist:
Parra for Cuva – The Fifth Hand - Original Mix The xx – Reconsider (Jamie xx Edit) Röyksopp & Robyn – Monument Martin Waslewski – Wheeled Walker (Ole Biege Remix) - Ole Biege Remix Movement – Ivory Tom Odell – Another Love - Zwette Edit Gramatik – Muy Tranquilo Finley Quaye – Even After All Lapsley – Falling Short Movement – Us alt-J – Interlude 2
This Week's Challenge:
Go beyond the question "How are you?" with a friend or stranger this week. Be curious to hear their heartfelt response.