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sheri colosimo

I had a lovely morning with a new friend. It was one of those easy conversations where you immediately feel at ease because the discussion is rich and deep.

We shared a laugh over a special journal that she keeps to record all of the synchronicities that show up in her life. You know the random events/people/stories that can’t be random because they keep happening.

Beyond enjoying the fact that she records these, what I loved is that she is present, curious and actively seeking the connections. An understanding that these are not just random occurrences but meaningful coincidences. Each day, our soul is sending us on a journey to understand that isolation and separateness is not the path but instead togetherness and community.

Like my new friend, I love to try to string together the invisible web. When I feel that someone looks familiar, instead of wondering in my head, I ask, “where do I know you from? how are we connected?” I am also quick to bring people together. At least once a week, I send an email out to unite friends or clients because I just know that there will be a synergy.

When we take the time to slow down and observe life & ask generous questions of each other, barriers soften and our world expands.


What meaningful coincidence will act upon this week?


Special thanks to the Kylie Rowand Foundation for allowing us to show up & give back to a family that is doing extraordinary work in this world. Please visit to learn more and watch for inspiration on a family who has turned heartbreak into hope.


November 4-6th

Women's Retreat

Ojai, CA

Email for details

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