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The In-Between

sheri colosimo

The title of @jennyblake latest podcast caught my eye, "Embracing the In-Between." As she describes it, it's the space in which we are given the chance to rest, reset, and recharge before moving into our next phase. As someone who is currently floating in the space, I would add on...a chance to recondition, reorganize and reframe.

As we transition (from a job, a relationship, old patterns, a state of mind) towards our next way of being and doing, this in-between state is crucial. A pause in which to reflect on who we are in the right now, unravel from what is no longer ours and confidently chose what we need.

It may be easy to see the importance of this in-between state, the more challenging part is the HOW. For me, it starts with acknowledging our societal need to fill space and equating that to our self-worth. Instead, we absorb the sweetness that lies in the pause to gracefully resist the urge to quickly jump into action or feel that we need to have all the answers. It is a daily practice of uncovering who we are and how we wish to show up in the world for ourselves and others.

My embracing the in-between is a team effort :) I surround myself with humans who courageously flux in and out of this state, I have many self-care practices (yoga, journaling, breathwork, bodywork) that reset my body and support reconditioning my mind from busy-ness into joyful purpose. I am have you embraced your in-between moments?

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