I recently returned from co-leading a retreat in Sayulita.
To say the experience was impactful is an understatement.
What surfaced during time away
...in a sacred space
...with a curious group
...with the intention of connection
was the remembering of important pieces of myself.
The beauty (+ complexity) of life is that we are multidimensional beings.
Who often get stuck in a fixed way of being.
Either from external demands or a slow forgetting.
On the retreat, each part of the experience was a mirror to see and feel what had been abandoned.
And time to mend the connection.
To sit with and remember those pieces of myself that I miss and long to reincorporate.
My work since being back has been the practice of getting reacquainted with untouched parts of my self.
...The feminine that loves the beauty in all things
...The free spirit that needs to be untethered from schedules and checklists
...The creative that moves beyond the b+w
i am exploring practices that soften rigid ways of thinking and moving so that all of these parts of self can mingle more freely.
May this Spring season also remind you to fully blossom into yourself.
(Big love to our La Joya Más Bliss Retreaters who journeyed deep with us.)
Photo cred: @Kristin Tyng