9 days into 2020 and I am still in process working on my vision for the New Year.
For me, the challenge has been feeling like I don't have all the answers, don't have all the pieces to create a clear roadmap for the year ahead.
I have so many interesting irons in the fire right now. Each came from me putting myself out there energetically and verbally to say, "Hey, I want to work more with team. I miss collaboration. I desire to give and get more support."
Slowly over a few months...the opportunities started to trickle in.
And now I sit here on Jan 9th...waiting.
Have I told you I suck at waiting? My natural instincts are to jump in, get dirty, create, do, repeat.
Yet, this is my work for 2020 and the reason for my word/s of the year: patience, gratitude, openness.
Can I be okay here? Not rushing. Instead slowly greeting what is next. Waiting to feel what is a strong HEART YES vs. what is an ego yes or a plain no.
Can I be more grateful for all of the gifts in my life right now? Not rushing to find what will be better, more fulfilling, more comfortable. Instead seeing my life in all of its messiness, in all of its questions, in all of its humanness as perfect.
Can I be more open to the notion that everything that is meant for me will find its way to me? Instead of trying to force or pull or push, I offer myself up to the magic that is always working around me.
As always, this work that we do is all about feeling and being. So tell me dear friends, how do you want to feel this year? I can't wait to hear.
Need support in creating a vision for your New Year? 1-1 Coaching Appointments Available, email to schedule
Book I love: I just finished reading my first non-leadership/non-yoga/non-coaching book in forever. I loved it. "Tell Me More"
Quote I love: "Within you there is a stillness and a sanctuary to which you can retreat at any time and be yourself." -Hermann Hesse
Upcoming Events
Discover Yourself (online program)
Ongoing enrollment, program release date Feb 4th
Creating a vision for the year ahead consists of knowing who you are, how you want to feel and a deep belief in what is possible. Use this program as a guidebook to create more clarity around the direction that you want to take in the year ahead and understand the support that you will need to get there.
Investment Includes:
A tested roadmap for self-discovery with relatable and actionable themes
(4) journaling exercises and video prompts sent over the course of the month to assist you in understanding what you value, what you desire and how to create meaningful action.
(4) emails created to bring more awareness to the inner work that you are doing and ideas on how to create movement in your life.
(4) mini movement practices that you can use to create focus and grounding and are specifically designed to provide space for discovery in your body + mind
Baja, Mexico Feb 27-Mar 2nd (SOLD OUT)
Grand Lake, CO Sept 25-28th
Ojai, CA Nov 7-9th
Travel Trainings (Reach out to schedule a training at a studio near you)
Strength + Surrender Teacher Training
Jan 11-12 -Baltimore, MD
Mindful Motherhood Pre+Postnatal Teacher Training
Feb 1-2nd, La Crosse, WI
May 16-17th, San Diego, CA
Oct 10-11th, Bloomington, IN